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Rosptitsesoyuz named top 10 poultry producing regions

The Russian Poultry Union (Rosptitsesoyuz) prepared a ranking that shows Russian liveweight poultry meat performance by region, based on the results of 2022.

Rosptitsesoyuz named top 10 poultry producing regions
Photo by Alexander Plonsky /V&L

The top 10 is as follows:

- Belgorod region - 817.8 thousand tons;

- Stavropol Territory - 385.6 thousand tons;

- Tambov region - 385.3 thousand tons;

- Penza region - 350.0 thousand tons;

- Krasnodar Territory - 327.7 thousand tons;

- Leningrad region - 305.5 thousand tons;

- Bryansk region - 300.4 thousand tons;

- Chelyabinsk region - 268.8 thousand tons;

- Republic of Mordovia - 254.4 thousand tons;

- Republic of Mari El - 240.8 thousand tons.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), commercial poultry meat production in liveweight reached 6,5 million tons, a 4,9% increase as compared to 2021 (6,2 million tons).

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English version, 14 Feb 2023 18:49
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