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Rosselkhoznadzor proposes simplified national authorization procedure for veterinary medicines

Rosselkhoznadzor came forward with a number of initiatives, aimed at simplification of the national authorization procedure for animal health products. In particular, reducing the processing time and amount of required documentation, as said by Rosselkhoznadsor’s press service.

Rosselkhoznadzor proposes simplified national authorization procedure for veterinary medicines
Photo by Aleksandr Plonskii /V&L

One of the initiatives aims to reduce the time of the approval process for veterinary medicines from 160 to 60 working days. Another initiative offers reducing the number of required documents from 15 to 7 and speeding up the assessment procedure for generic drugs.

According to Service officials, these initiatives are currently being considered by the competent authorities of the Russian Federation. The result might affect veterinary drugs produced on the territory of the country in 2022.

The Rosselkhoznadzor previously announced that there is no reason to expect animal health products shortages in Russia. The analysis of the national pharmaceutical market carried out by the Service showed that there are domestic substitutes for the majority of foreign-made drugs. Besides, Russian producers are willing to ramp up domestic production.

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English version, 6 Apr 2022 10:34
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