“The company’s sales have grown by 38% as compared to the same period in 2021. It is mostly due to the sales of anti-parasitic medication Selafort and antimicrobial drug Enroxil,” the analysts explained.
The experts also noted the growth rates of Livisto Group (+25%), which increased its sales of Petcam (NSAID) and antibacterial drug Doxyfin.
Ecoprom had the best growth rates within this period among Russian manufacturers. “The sales increased by 11% over the year, mostly due to the anti-parasitic drug Helmintal,” RNC Pharma said.
Analysts noted a significant increase in sales of Astrapharm and Vetbiohim companies. “They both showed 9% growth dynamics,” specified the experts.
Among Astrapharm products, the best growth rates were shown by Express Uspokoin (2.9 times) and Supramil (3.6 times). Vetbiochim has seen an increase in sales of the Rabifel vaccine for the prevention of rabies in cats. It’s sales have grown by 95% since the beginning of the year.