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Analysts named leading animal health companies in Russia by retail sales

According to the report published by analytical company RNC Pharma, generic pharmaceutical company KRKA showed the largest growth in retail sales (+38%) in January-April 2022.

Analysts named leading animal health companies in Russia by retail sales
Photo by Aleksandr Plonskii /V&L

The increase in the company’s sales is mostly due to its antiparasitic drug Selafort, with an 89 % sales growth rate since the beginning of the year.

The second best is Livisto Group (+24%), which has increased sales of the antibacterial drug "Doxyfin" by 92% since the beginning of the year.

Among Russian manufacturers, Ecoprom had the best growth rates (+15%) with its anthelmintic and antiparasitic drug Helmintal (+29%). It is followed by Agrobioprom (13%) with Fenpraz anthelmintic (+40%) and Astrapharm (+11%) with "ContrSex NEO" (+25%).

The total volume of retail sales of veterinary drugs in Russia from January to April 2022 amounted to 7.1 billion rubles (retail prices, VAT included). In monetary dosage units, the growth rate was rather meager as compared to the same period of 2021 comprising 2.5%.

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English version, 3 Jun 2022 12:58
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